The Graduate School does not require the GRE. Your academic program may or may not require it. Please check your program's website for
details. Due to issues surrounding COVID-19 some programs have decided to drop or allow flexibility with their GRE requirement.
English proficiency
Every applicant whose native language is not English, or whose undergraduate instruction was not in English, must provide an English
proficiency test score. TOEFL scores must be submitted electronically via ETS. IELTS scores can be submitted eletronically or by paper. Our
office address is: UW-Madison Graduate School, Office of Admissions, 232 Bascom Hall, 500 Lincoln Drive, Madison, WI 53706. Your score will
not be accepted if it is more than two years old from the start of your admission term. Country of citizenship does not exempt applicants from
this requirement. Language of instruction at the college or university level and how recent the language instruction was taken are the
determining factors in meeting this requirement.
Applicants are exempt if:
●English is the exclusive language of instruction at the undergraduate institution; or
●you have earned a degree from a regionally accredited U.S. collge or university not more than 5 years prior to the anticipated semester of
enrollment; or
●you have completed at least two fll-time semesters of graded course work, exclusive of ESL courses, in a U.S. college or university, or at an
institution outside the U.S. where English is the exclusive language of instruction. Completion of graded course worl;qannotbemacethanfiven
首先看看学校官网是怎么描述的:The Graduate School does not require the GRE. Your academic program may or may not require it. Please check your program’s website for details. Due to issues surrounding COVID-19 some programs have decided to drop or allow flexibility with their GRE requirement.
此外,每个母语不是英语或本科教学不是英语的申请人都必须提供英语水平测试结果。托福成绩必须通过 ETS 电子提交。雅思成绩可以电子或纸质提交。TOEFL不低于92分,IELTS不低于7.0分,无单项成绩要求。